Frequently asked questions

  1. Is the website “Prices of specific food products” set up by the Consumer Council?
  2. Where can I get information on the Specific Product Price Information Platform?
  3. Where can I get information on Consumer Report?
  4. Is there a WeChat account of the Consumer Council?
  5. Can I find the hotline details of milk powder suppliers on the Council’s website?
  6. Is there a mobile phone app version of “Macao Price Information Platform”?
  7. Where can I find or get information on the Supermarket Price Survey report?
  8. Is there any information regarding “Consumer Alert”, surveys, tests and research on the Consumer Council’s website?
  9. What is “Smart Choice”? How can I get the relevant information?

1. Is the website “Prices of specific food products” set up by the Consumer Council?

The “Prices of specific food products” website is set up by the Municipal Affairs Bureau, Economic and Technological Development Bureau, Statistics and Census Service and Consumer Council.

2. Where can I get information on the Specific Product Price Information Platform?

Website: Browse the “Specific Product Price Information Platform” on the Consumer Council’s website.

Mobile phone app: download the “Macao Price Information Platform” on IOS and Android.

Remark: prices on the platform are updated whenever the Council’s staff patrol and survey prices on the market.

3. Where can I get information on Consumer Report?

Issues of Consumer Report are available on the Consumer Council’s website and the Council’s WeChat account. It is also available free of charge at the following locations:

- Consumer Council - Av. Horta e Costa, N.º 26, Edf. Clementina A.L. Ho, r/c; Consumer Council Northern District Branch - Rua Nova da Areia Preta, Nº52, Centro de Serviços da RAEM, 1º Andar, Zona M, Macau

- Public Information Centre

- Livraria Plaza Cultural Macau;

- Libraries under the Cultural Affairs Bureau

4. Is there a WeChat account of the Consumer Council?

The Consumer Council’s WeChat account offers information such as data of the latest Supermarket Price Survey and Specific Product Price Survey, rankings of supermarkets, information on “Certified Shop” mechanism, “Certified Shop” list and location, etc.. The Council also publishes its Consumer Report magazine and “Consumer Alert” via its WeChat account, consumers may also lodge their complaints and provide suggestions on the “Certified Shop” mechanism. The Council welcomes suggestions from the public regarding all consumption issues and makes timely response in order to strengthen interaction and communication with consumers.

Consumers may look up “Macao SAR Government” via WeChat on mobile phones or tablets, or scan the QR code available on the Council’s website to follow the official WeChat account.

5. Can I find the hotline details of milk powder suppliers on the Council’s website?

The Consumer Council has listed the customer service hotline details of milk powder suppliers on its website.

6. Is there a mobile phone app version of “Macao Price Information Platform”?

For consumers’ convenience to check price data collected from local supermarkets and wet markets as well as prices of fuel products, the Consumer Council launched a one-stop “Macao Price Information Platform” mobile phone app, consolidating its “Supermarket Price Information Platform” and “Fuel Price Information Platform”, and added the “Market Price Information Platform” with daily price data provided by IAM. The Platform app is easy to use and is available in Chinese, Portuguese, and English. Consumers may download the app from App store on iOS or Google Play on Android. Moreover, the contents of the “Supermarket Price Information Platform” and “Specific Product Price Information Platform” can be found on the Council’s website.

7. Where can I find or get information on the Supermarket Price Survey report?

The Consumer Council uses the data collected to generate the “Supermarket Price Survey Report” and upload it to its website ( and “Macao Supermarket Price Information Platform” iPhone and Android apps, the report is also available on the Council’s WeChat account, Main Office of the Council, Iao Hon Market, S. Domingos Market, and local libraries.

8. Is there any information regarding “Consumer Alert”, surveys, tests and research on the Consumer Council’s website?

“Consumer Alert”, surveys, tests and research news are all available on the Council’s website.

9. What is “Smart Choice”? How can I get the relevant information?

The “Smart Choice” function enables users to check which items are on sale and which are sold with gifts attached in that parish, promotion period is also marked for those items on sale. “Smart Choice” can be found in the “Supermarket Price Information Platform” mobile phone app.